Thursday, March 4, 2010

Reading one thing, knowing another

The news!
When it comes to browsing websites, looking for helpful techniques to improve one's teaching ability is important, but there are other things a healthy teacher should try to engage in. I think it's limiting fro a future educator to be only learning material that pertains solely to his/her instruction (inside a classroom). It is well known that every successful teacher is expected to have an arsenal of interesting and innovative tricks in his/her bag since it is only with them that one ultimately teaches. A lot of pressure arises to research and spend numerous hours trying to master every bit of advise floating on that endless Net of ours. There are plenty of sites on the web that offer a variety of suggestions and strategies to improve ones practice, so to say; they are as plentiful as the fishes in the sea. Although by now however (i hope), i bet that many of us have already acquired a formidable arsenal of tricks-at least for amateur beginning instruction- and are ready to embark on our teaching journey. But how round are we with only subject material in our knapsacks? Thats where the power of liberal media comes in! The education news website proves to be a great source of knowledge about what is going on in the "system", by that i mean the man in pretty suits with briefcases. It is very helpful to know what legislations are being passed, since you never know that the next one might just as well lower our pay or introduce another of the many idiotic acts that we teachers hate so much. Maybe if we pay attention to the current reforms, we can also participate in them. Therefore i think it is pivotal for any teacher to keep a sharp eye on what is going on around them in the education land because the decisions that are made "up there" will affect us, the ones who are "down here", and most importantly they will affect the kids who are "in here" with us. So while literary strategies and free lesson plans sites are all "good game", keep your head on you shoulders and don't forget the "real world" too.

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